If you are planning a camping trip and would like to have all your favorite dishes cooked with ease then you should carry a cast iron cookware along with you. It is one of the most popular and best camp cooking equipment you could ever find out. You can prepare various delicious meals for your friends and family with this cast iron ware.
The durability and ease of use are some of the factors that has added to its popularity. Just a little care and maintenance would double up its life. Dutch ovens are also a kind of cast iron cookware and are known for their thick-walled vessels. These dutch ovens have tight fitting lids to ensure the best cooking experience.
Cast Iron Pan
You can bake the food at campsite with this dutch oven similar to the way you do it in your kitchen oven. If you are with a large group of campers then it would be better to carry a wide and deep dutch oven to cook more servings at the same time. But if you are only a few people then a shallow and small dutch oven would be sufficient for your requirements.
This has many recipes in its arena with a delicious and unique flavor. If you are using a cast iron for the first time or had washed it with soap last time after use, then you need to season it before use. It is better not to use detergents and soaps if you do not want to season your cookware again and again. To clean cast iron cookware you can scrub inside it with hot water.
To season the cast iron ware you need to cover the inside of the oven with cooking oil and then place it upside down on the kitchen oven until the inside of the oven is smoked. Repeat the procedure once or twice for better results and then wipe it with a clean cloth.
The main reason behind the unique taste of the food cooked in cast iron cookware is due to the slow heating process in such an oven. Actually, heat is absorbed slowly and slowly in cast iron cookware. To fuel up your campers you can cook hearty meals or dishes such as soup, stew, roast and chili.
You can try out a chili recipe that would warm up the campers on a cool night.
1) Place the cast iron cookware or oven on the hot coals and brown one pound of lean ground beef at the bottom of oven.
2) Then add one chopped green pepper and medium sized onion.
3) Put one can each of pinto beens, tomato sauce, diced tomatoes along with a cup of water into the mixture.
4) To season up the dish add one teaspoon salt and one tablespoon chili powder.
5) You need to stir all the ingredients and bring the dish to a simmer.
6) You need to stir occasionally for an hour in a simmer stage.
7) Decorate it with crackers and grated cheese for presentation.
Special Price!!! Lodge Max Temp Handle Mitt, Black
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Lodge Max Temp Handle Mitt, Black Feature
- Durable handle mitt protects hands from hot handles
- Heavy-duty Pyrotex fabric exterior with heavy cotton batting
- Thick terry lining feels comfortable against the skin
- Scorch-proof coating protects against steam burns
- Resists temperatures up to 450 degrees F; comes in basic black
Lodge Max Temp Handle Mitt, Black Overview
"MaxTemp" Hot Handle Mitt is made of heavy-duty Pyrotex, which resists scorching and burning to 450 degrees. Ideal as an all purpose handle mitt where safety is important. Also suitable for using outdoors when cooking on the BBQ. The Max Temp features heavy cotton batting and a steam barrier for ultimate heat protection. The thick terry lining protects from heat without sticking to the handle. It comes single-packed, not a pair.Lodge Max Temp Handle Mitt, Black Specifications
Protect your hands from hot pot handles with this slip-on handle mitt. From Lodge, maker of rugged cast-iron cookware, the mitt features heavy-duty Pyrotex fabric on the exterior, along with a scorch-proof coating. Inside, a thick terry lining feels comfortable against the skin, and thick cotton batting between the two layers adds further heat and steam protection. Heat-resistant up to 450 degrees F, the Max Temp mitt fits over stainless or cast-iron handles, indoors or at the barbecue, and comes in basic black to match any décor. --Ann BieriSAVE NOW on the special offers below!
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